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Meet Our Pastor

Dr. Haifley has been in the full-time gospel ministry since 1984. He grew up in an Independent Baptist preacher's home, and gave his heart to Christ as a child. He gave his life to preaching the gospel at 16 and began preaching on a consistent basis at age 18. He has an earned Doctor of Theology degree, an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree and an honorary Doctor of Humanities. Dr. Haifley is also a chaplain in the United States Service Command with the rank of Lt. Colonel and is Certified as a Critical Incident Stress Management specialist. He is the author of several books, all of which are available on


Elizabeth Haifley grew up in a Christian home and gave her heart to Christ as a young girl. She graduated from the Indiana Fundamental Bible Institute with a Th.G. diploma and from Great Plains Divinity School with a B.A. and M.A. in Christian Education. She has been a school teacher for over 25 years. Her teaching career started in the Syracuse Christian School of Syracuse, Indiana. She continued teaching at home as a homeschool mom until her oldest reached High School. Her homeschool expanded then to help other children and at that point the Maranatha Christian Academy was born ( , where she has taught and managed the curriculum since 2013.


Daniel and Elizabeth were married on August 13, 1994.

(From left to right) Tristan and their youngest daughter Katie Delgadillo were married in August of 2021. Their middle son, Zachary, married Amber in April 2020. Their oldest son, Ryan, married Haylie in June of 2017. Pastor and Elizabeth are grandparents to two amazing granddaughters, Ellis (born to Zachary and Amber) and Rylee (born to Ryan and Haylie).

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